Avoid This Type Of Protein

Feb 14, 2020

 by Stephen Conca

Protein & Oats for Breakfast!

If you are not someone who eats a lot of protein and needs to get your daily requirement from a supplement then you should be aware of the different types of protein out there. I'm not against any company producing this type of protein. However, you must understand that many supplement companies are just marketing companies looking to make the largest margin on their products.

There are many research studies that show commonalities that casein protein can cause saiation and can help with fat loss. What I want you to get out of this article is not to sabotage your long term health for short term gains (or losses) There are many forms of casein, but it's the manufacturing process that makes each one different.

So why are some companies making and promoting this type of protein? It's extremely cheap to produce and they can sell it at a higher margin.

Anything milk based will have about 80% casein as it's protein source. Casein is just about in all dairy products where, whey protein makes up about the other 20% of the protein. So you can see why whey is more expensive. For example, if you have a gram of powder that comes from milk, you can only get about 20% of that from whey and the rest will be casein. You can see why there should be a big price discrepancy. Whey should cost a lot more. How come it is that a bag of casin is often sold at the same price of the bag of whey?

Think about a glass of milk which contains about 7-8g of protein. That would be about 5-6g of casein. You get about 20-30g of protein / serving of casein so that's equivalent to drinking about 6 glasses of milk. Yes, this has anabolic (building) properties that can build muscle. In infants, this will increase IGF1 (Insulin Growth Factor).

However, in adults, irregardless if you are lactose intolerant or not, milk has been shown to increase cardiovascular risk, increasing blood pressure and cancer risk, especially colon cancer. Why, casein is very difficult to breakdown. Casein has been shown to ferment in the gut and small intestine where it begins to form cancer like metabolites. These metabolites are called carcinogenic phenolic compounds. One of the ways to move these compounds out of the body is with a higher fiber diet where more vegetables and low glycemic carbohydrates are introduced into the body. With so many people opting for no carbs, or very low carb diets, they don't have a way to move these carcinogenic compounds out.

One way to take a deeper look into what's happening inside your body is to run a food sensitivity test (IGA, IGG). Boston Children’s hospital runs these tests all the time to check for allergies and other food sensitivities. The #1 food sensitivity in the world is not gluten, it's cows milk, specifically casein.

This is different then lactose sensitivity. Lactose sensitivity means that you can not handle the sugar (lactose) in the dairy.

When you do a food sensitivity test, you are not testing for lactose or the sugars that cause bloating, you are testing the sensitivity from the protein based reaction. The proteins are typically going to react 1-3 days after consumption.

What I want you to take away from this is that there is a protein compound in dairy that can potentially cause a host of issues, mainly digestive issues, bloating, the formation of cancer compounds as well as cardiovascular issues.

Yes, there are studies that will show fat loss and satiation with casein based protein. However, what is the underlying cost on your body?

There will always be those people who have robust genetics and can get away with anything. They are the outliers.

Hopefully, you can just do your best with the information presented and know that you can give your body all the advantage possible. Just start with what you can do and slowly begin to make better choices along the way. Look at goat or sheep's milk if you have the urge to indulge in a dairy-like drink. They have many different protein qualities and have been used in an Ayurvedic diet for thousands of years.