A Tactical Approach To Your Health - Rethinking Fitness 3.0

Jul 2, 2023

 by Stephen Conca

Longevity Tactics- Rethinking Fitness 3.0


Now that I’m 50 I have officially transitioned to a fitness 3.0 mentality. Whether you are 50 or not, I think it’s a good idea for you be thinking in this way as well.  Let me explain why this thought process is critical for you to enjoy many more healthy decades. 


Over the last 3.5 years of going through the Integrated Health Curriculum, there were hundreds of hrs dedicated to the impact exercise has on long-term health.  Over the last few months, I have begun to formulate some bite-size chunks of important information that can be relevant to everyone.    


Rethinking Fitness for the Age of chronic disease.


The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining. - JohnF.Kennedy.


Fitness 3.0 places a far greater emphasis on preventing physical and mental suffering as we age.  I have been in the fitness industry for over 25 years as a coach and now Integrative Health Practitioner. I have a unique perspective on how fitness (exercise) can impact the quality of your life.  Yes, we all want to burn calories, count macros, and achieve a certain MEP goal (if you have a Myzone).  All good stuff!  


But now it’s time to take a more tactical approach to your exercise. 


Here’s why:


Exercise has the single most potent impact on your health. Period.


Think about Fitness 3.0 as a calculated risk to improve your health.  Risk is what you need to assess in every aspect of your life and in your health.


Research is showing us that genes may be responsible for only about 20 to 30% of the overall variation in human lifespan. The caveat is that the older you get the more gene expression matters.  It's what you do or don't do that will determine how genes influence your health span. 


Taking a tactical approach to your health is building a framework of principles that work for you


Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless, and add what is specifically your own - Bruce Lee


Here's a brief history lesson: Mid-19th-century physicians noticed that cancer was becoming ever more prevalent in the fast-growing cities of Europe. The industrial revolution was exploding and with that brought diseases such as cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and dementia as well as a few others. These are known to be diseases of civilization.  This is due to the progressive nature of the diseases that mirror the growth of the industrial revolution in Europe and the US.   This doesn’t mean that progress in civilization is bad, it just means that it has created conditions that limit our longevity in certain ways. 


Our environment has changed dramatically in the last 150 years from our food supply, activity levels, and our social interactions. 


Our gene structure has remained relatively unchanged at this time.  However, this new environment we now live in can be potentially toxic to our bodies depending on what we eat or don’t eat, how we move or don’t move, how we sleep, and its overall impact on emotional health.


We must be on point with our tactics if we are to thrive into old age.  To best determine what to do we must identify the nemesis of our health from a very strategic approach.


There are 5 key areas (tactics) that need to be identified in order to maximize health


    1. Exercise - the most potent area given its impact on health span and life span.  There are subcategories that should make up the (global approach)    Aerobic efficiency, maximum aerobic output, Vo2max, strength, and stability.  
    2. Diet - Nutritional Biochemistry 
    3. Sleep 
    4. Emotional Health 
    5. Supplements and hormones that enhance health. These are known as exogenous molecules, molecules we ingest that come from outside the body


Ask yourself:

How should I be exercising (for my age and metabolic health) 

How should I be eating for my biochemistry (more than just counting calories and macros) 

How should I enhance my sleep (beyond melatonin and a glass of wine to unwind) 


Options are unlimited, however, they can be confusing trying to apply one broad stroke to your health.

We must dig deeper to get to the root of what’s most important to your health:


A few more questions to ask yourself:

  1. Am I undernourished or overnourished?
  2. Am I Undermuscled or adequately muscled? 
  3. Am I metabolically healthy or not?


Hopefully, this is a framework to help you ask yourself deeper questions to in turn better manage your movement, nutrition, and sleep as you age.   


We will go into more detail in upcoming posts on each of the 5 key area health tactics that can have a profound impact on your health span and play span.